Zimbabwean Govt Earmarks $20m For Irrigation Devt

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The Zimbabwean Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has launched a $20 million Smallholder Irrigation Infrastructure Development Fund to boost rural incomes and ensure food self-sufficiency.

The fund was expected to create at least 20,000 jobs, and benefit 18 smallholder irrigation projects.

The Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Mithuli Ncube disclosed this in an interview with The Herald Newspaper, a government-controlled media.

Ncube said, “The facility will be funded by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development using part of the country’s allocation of 958 million U.S. dollars from the 650 billion U.S. dollars in Special Drawing Rights granted to member countries in 2021.

“The main objective of the facility was to ensure food and nutrition self-sufficiency for vulnerable smallholder farmers.

“The 18 irrigation schemes cover about 2,700 hectares with about 4,500 households in the country’s eight rural provinces. Harare and Bulawayo metropolitan provinces will not benefit.

“The initiative will go a long way in enhancing climate proofing to the vulnerable, ensuring food and nutrition security,” Ncube said. “The scheme intends to provide employment directly to more than 20,000 people.”

However, Minister Ncube and Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development Anxious Masuka signed a memorandum of understanding, under which the finance ministry would finance the program while the agriculture ministry would be the implementing partner.

Zimbabwe Farmers Union chief executive, Paul Zakariya said the initiative would help address the long-term effects of climate change.

“This is a welcome development because our seasons are getting drier and drier, so the most effective way of addressing water challenges and ensuring productivity is to harness water and develop irrigation schemes”.

Though the country has about 450 smallholder irrigation schemes covering at least 26,000 hectares many of them are not operating to capacity because of operational problems.