Zimbabwe: Minister Appoints Zimbabwe Diaspora Tourism Representative

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zim diasporawer

Zimbabwe Tourism Minister, Walter Mzembi, has recently appointed Zim Achievers Awards’ founder Conrad Mwanza, as Zimbabwe’s Diaspora key representative.
In a letter, Mzembi said he had mandated Mwanza to “help me with various programmes and assignments. Those programmes are diaspora visit home campaign, the UNWTO campaign programme and mobilization, assist with identifying potential investors to Zimbabwe in the tourism sector, organize events and platforms to market Zimbabwe as a preferred destination for both investment and travel business”, said Mzembi.
Mwanza is a Zimbabwean based in both South Africa and the UK where he founded the Zim Achievers Awards more than five years ago. The programme recognizes Zimbabwean diaspora talent in all sectors.
One of the projects Mwanza has been working on is a diaspora deal with Rainbow Tourism Group and Africa Bush camps that give Zimbabwean diaspora preferential rates in destinations such as Victoria Falls and Hwange, a comprehensive visit home campaign which will be launched soon.

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