Women Judges Converge to Discuss Gender Issue

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By: Maureen Kakah

About 300 women judges from all over the world will attend a conference in Nairobi to discuss emerging gender issues in the electoral process ahead of the August 8 polls.

The judges who are part of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) are expected to attend the four-day conference which kicks off on Wednesday.

Discussions on emerging gender issues are among the key highlighted topics set to feature in the conference.

“It’s a unique opportunity to discuss on judicial experiences and strategies in using the sustainable development goals in promoting human rights, gender parity and access to justice,” said Court of Appeal judge Hannah Okwengu.

The conference will be the 15th regional one in Africa since the formation of the Association in 1991 and the second time to be held in the country while being hosted by the Kenya Women of Judges Association.

IAWJ comprises of over 4,000 members from 90 countries across the globe who meet to share experiences and seek solutions that influence delivery of justice in various jurisdictions.

Among other issues to be discussed include adverse effects of the implementation of the legislation on sexual gender-based violence, women leadership in the judiciary and gender vulnerability in conflict situations.

Also efforts by First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and her Beyond Zero Campaign that aims at ensuring the fulfillment of maternal and reproductive rights will be highlighted.