Windhoek Improve Water Regulation Service with The Installation of Prepaid Meters

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To improve the regulation of its water infrastructure, the City of Windhoek in Namibia has approved a framework within which residents will receive a roll-out of pre-paid water meters.

The decision was taken at the Windhoek Municipal Council meeting, which held for over a week between 14 and 29 April 2021, and according to statistics from the municipality, 300 water meters have been purchased to commence the roll-out activity with pensioners and vulnerable people, defaulting, eager and willing to pay clients as primary targets.

Stating details which the meter will offer, the City fathers noted that it would provide a clear indication of a customer’s charges and tariffs.

“A clear demarcation and indication of charges will be displayed on the customer receipt, such as the pre-paid water consumption tariffs, pre-paid water basic tariffs, and pre-paid water service connection repayment fees for the pre-paid water customer,” they said.

Furthermore, the municipality also seeks to ensure payment from defaulting customers. They will be compelled to install a pre-paid water meter and sign a loan agreement to recover the debt they owe. The plan is also to get them to pay for the pre-paid water meter and service connection fee for five years at 11% interest.

“The pre-paid water consumption tariffs as per the four-block tariff system for usage during various drought categories as defined in our Water Management Plant has been approved”, the statement concluded.