US Okays $5m Grant to AfDB Over Methane Emissions

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The United States government has approved a $5 million grant for the African Development Bank, AfDB, to support efforts to abate methane gas emissions across Africa.

Methane accounts for about half of the net rise in global average temperature since the pre-industrial era.

US special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry said this at a breakfast event held on the margins of the 18th African Ministerial Conference on the Environment taking place in Dakar.

He said: “More than 25 countries on the continent have joined the Global Methane Pledge, a resounding level of support for the importance of methane in keeping 1.5 degrees within reach.”

“I am very pleased that the African Development Bank is responding to the increased global attention on methane emissions and is planning to increase their own focus on methane abatement in coming years,” Kerry added.

The grant, subject to the completion of US domestic procedures and approvals, will go to the multi-donor Africa Climate Change Fund managed by the African Development Bank. The Fund supports a broad range of activities covering climate resilience and low-carbon growth.