Unilever Named South Africa’s Top Employer

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unileverConsumer goods firm, Unilever, has been named South Africa’s 2014 Top Employer.

Made by the Top Employers Institute, which identifies merit in the circumstances that employers provide in an effort to advance staff, the announcement follows months of intensive research, with consulting firm, Grant Thornton, independently auditing the findings.

Antoinette Irvine, Vice President of Human Resources, said the award will prove to be an inspiration to the company to continue to “attract, produce and retain” the best candidates on offer in South Africa.

Irvine said the company places more emphasis on the development of leadership and fast-tracking employees from the company’s graduate projects into leadership positions quickly.

To win the Top Employer Certification, companies are researched and audited thoroughly on benefits, working conditions, training and development, career development and culture management.

Samantha Crous, the Regional Director of Top Employers Institute Africa and Benelux, cited a shortage of talent in South Africa.

“…which means more and more, companies are focusing on the competitiveness of their Employer Value Propositions (EVP) in order to attract and retain good people,” Crous said in a statement.

This award provides the winners with credibility in its branding attempts and also assists employers to adapt to a changing HR climate, Crous said.

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