UNIDO and Senegal to establish an integrated agropole

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The Government of Senegal and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has completed a sensitization mission towards the development of an integrated agropole in the country’s rural centre. The agropole is to be established within the framework of the Programme for Country Partnership (PCP), which supports the industrial component of the country’s “Plan Senegal Emergent”.

The mission obtained the buy-in of local stakeholders from the regions of Diourbel, Fatick, Kaffrine and Kaolack, who understood the added value of having such a modern agro-industrial development hub to facilitate networking among all value chain actors through vertical and horizontal partnerships in order to build business synergies and achieve common objectives. Furthermore, their comments and suggestions will be integrated when preparing the agropole’s comprehensive master plan.

During the mission, the findings of a UNIDO pre-feasibility study were shared. The study also contained a macro-economic overview and an analysis of the agro-industrial sector, allowing for a review and the analysis of various priority value chains, including cereals, oilseeds and salt, livestock, leather and skins, fruits and vegetables, and fisheries. In addition, four regional task forces and a global task force were set up to coordinate matters related to the agropole.

“To be successful, the agropole needs a solid master plan and the full support of all local stakeholders,” said UNIDO Representative in Senegal, Christophe Yvetot. “UNIDO will continue to fully support this initiative and will constitute a team of national and international experts to elaborate the master plan.”

The mission was supported by local authorities in the various regions particularly by the Governors, the Mayors, the Department Officials and various administrative and technical services dedicated to agricultural value chains.