UN, Security Council, G8 join forces to support Libya’s “legitimate institutions”

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“We are committed to leading international support for Libya’s security (…), we support Libya’s path to World Trade Organization (WTO)’s accession and we welcome the progress made by the Libyan government under the stewardship of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan,” the leaders of the G8 declared in the final communiqué of their Lough Erne’s Summit in northern Ireland.

As Libya strives to transition to a “more stable, democratic and prosperous future,” growing uncertainty and security concerns have been threatening the “legitimate institutions,” warned the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). All Libyans should “rally around their legitimate institutions, both civilian and military, to enable them to carry out their duties of ensuring security and stability,” a recent UNSMIL statement read.

Benghazi, which once was the epicenter of the 2011 uprising against then-President Moammar Gaddafi, has witnessed a number of armed attacks which killed approximately 30 and wounded a hundred people this month. The UN Security Council (UNSC) expressed deep concern and said that in spite of the difficult legacy of Gaddafi’s “brutal rule for more than 40 years,” all Libyans have to “engage with the political process of reconciliation and constitutional reform through peaceful and inclusive means, underpinned by respect for the rule of law.”

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