UN Releases Sanitation Fund for East African States

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A statement from the UN general assembly has disclosed the release of fund to two social enterprises in Kenya and Rwanda who are set to improve access to affordable sanitation services to low-income urban dwellers.

This is under the previous multi-million financing program called Urban Sanitation Challenge to address global sanitation crises launched by the UN general assembly.

The statement claimed that the two enterprises from Kenya and Rwanda will each receive 290,000 U.S. dollars and 1 million dollars respectively to promote access to basic sanitation in low-income urban settlements.

“New funding from the Urban Sanitation Challenge will enable Sanitation, a social enterprise, to scale up its sanitation services in Naivasha, Kenya, reaching 2,500 users with affordable and serviceable toilets,” read the statement.

“Pivot works will refine its fecal sludge conversion process and extend operations of its pit latrine emptying service citywide, reaching a capacity to empty 12,000 pits annually,” noted the statement.