UN Drafts New Peace Plan for Libya

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The United Nations has come up with a new peace plan for Libya saying that the current peace plan has been futile hence the decision to come up with a more effective plan to unify the North African country.

This new plan was made known on Wednesday by the UN’s envoy for Libya, Ghassan Salame at a meeting in New York. He said the initiative would be piloted by Libyans to find a way out of the crisis that’s split the nation among rival militias and governments.

“Libyans want a process that they themselves own and lead,” said Salame, a veteran Lebanese politician. The Libyan Political Agreement “remains the only framework to end the Libyan crisis. The LPA is necessary but in its current state is not adequate. The first stage of the process is to amend the agreement.”

Ghassan Salame gave a summary of how the UN intends to implement its plans. As a first step, he said he’d convene in Tunis a committee to draft amendments to the original LPA agreement. A national conference will then be held under the auspices of the UN Secretary General to bring together Libyan groups that had felt excluded or underrepresented in earlier peace talks to select new representatives to the country’s nascent executive institutions and debate the amended political accord.