Uganda Pays $65m Part of War Reparations to DRC

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Uganda has paid the Democratic Republic of Congo $65 million in reparations for past illegal invasions following the International Court of Justice (IJC) February verdict.

The sum, disbursed during the weekend, is the first instalment of the money that Kampala must pay to Kinshasa in reparations for the Ugandan army’s invasion of the DRC during the Congo war between 1998 and 2003, according to an International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision issued on February 9 this year.

The DR Congo government spokesperson, Mr Patrick Muyaya, declared the news of payment at the weekend.

Muyaya added, “The payment of this indemnity is to be made in five instalments of $65 million. The first had just been paid”.

Also, the ICJ ordered Uganda to pay $325 million to the DRC, though Kinshasa had demanded $11 billion. The money is to be paid in five instalments of $65 million, starting on September 1 this year and every September 1 for the following four years.

Recall that between 1998 and 2003, some of the eastern, southern, and north-eastern provinces of the DRC endured a devastating war that involved the country’s army, supported by the armies of Zimbabwe, Angola, and Namibia, against rebels backed by the Ugandan and Rwandan armies.