Uganda Introduces Highly Efficient Dairy Milk to Boost Human Immune System

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The National Animal Genetic Resources Center and Databank (NAGRC&DB) in Uganda has finalized its plans to introduce into the agricultural sector highly-efficient and productive dairy goats capable of producing milk that is rich enough in nutrients to boost the human immune system for adoption by the livestock-rearing communities.

The Acting Executive Director of NAGRC&DB, Dr. Peter Beine, confirmed the incoming development which was revealed in a new report about the state of goat farming in the country, without providing a specific time which the initiative will commence. He said:

“On the recommendation of our scientists and researchers, we are bringing the Toggenburg breed, a dairy goat that has been found to withstand conditions here”

It is expected that the introduction of such a highly efficient product will help individuals who are living with HIV/AIDS to boost their immune system as goat milk contains calcium, potassium, highly-soluble less-allergenic proteins, digestible fats and energy-producing riboflavin.

Further analysis from the report indicates that the NAGRC&DB will commence the production of special HIV treatment tablets from the goat milk to aid patients with the syndrome which is a novel invention implemented only in a few countries. Commendably, with ample results, it is befitting that other African countries copy this model to aid patients with HIV in their communities.