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President Museveni has said five years is too short a time for him to concentrate on presidential duties.

“After an election, you spend about one year settling in and before you know it, another electioneering period sets in,” a source quoted Museveni as having said.

With his last term under the current constitutional provisions running out in 2021, Museveni did not suggest how long a presidential term should be. But within the NRM parliamentary caucus, there is the talk of stretching it to seven years.

The inkling was come up in public discourse in 2014 by Nakifuma MP Robert Kafeero Ssekitooleko when he hawked a term extension bill, which was later shot down
Museveni also addressed the wide criticism he is getting, especially from Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine and Daily Monitor’s Daniel Kalinaki who are some of the many people who have written articles about the proposed amendment.

“Bobi Wine, Kalinaki and their opposition youth groups are only focussed on Uganda instead of the bigger picture of African integration. Kalinaki wrote an article in the newspapers saying that for them they are cosmopolitan; they look at the whole world,” Museveni said.

The president reportedly said he has kept Kalinaki’s article and is also happy that the Kyadondo East MP is open to debate and promised to engage him further.

“I am preparing to write to these young men and tell them that however cosmopolitan they may be, no one will give you respect without having a strong base, in this case, Africa where you come from,” Museveni said.

Museveni replied during the meeting. “It is not about having young men in power, it is about having parties and people with the right ideology that develops the nation…