U.S. State of Georgia Fetes Zambian Public Servant with Honorary Citizenship

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Press Release: 28th September, 2019

A Zambian public servant was recently made Honorary Citizen of the State of Georgia, USA – the highest form of recognition for foreigners – for her outstanding contributions to women empowerment in public service and her country’s social sustainability. 

Dr. Elizabeth Lungu – Nkumbula who is the CEO of Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) in Zambia was bestowed with the honor in a ceremony on Saturday at the KSU Centre, Atlanta.

“The Honorary Citizenship affords her the courtesy as a Goodwill Ambassador of the State in her travels to other states, to nations beyond the borders of the United States of America…”, the statement from the Secretary of State of Georgia read.

Dr. Nkumbula started her career as a book keeper during her teenage days, and has held various strategic senior management positions in largest housing finance institution in Zambia, including a regional accountant, director banking operations and managing director, over the course of her career, before her appointment by the President of the Republic of Zambia as a Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer for Workers Compensation Fund Control Board, a Social Security Institution.

Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) is a statutory body established under the Workers Compensation Act No. 10 of 1999 to compensate workers that injure or contract diseases during the course of their employment and compensate their dependents in case of death. WCFCB administers a Fund from which compensation and operational expenses are defrayed. WCFCB has 27,000 employers that contribute to the Fund and has about 20,000 beneficiaries in its books. 

“I have also been encouraging the female staff at my office to upgrade their qualifications and have been supporting them accordingly. Once they attain the required qualification, l ensure that they promoted on merit to decision making positions”, said Dr. Nkumbula in an exclusive interview with Amazons Watch magazine, while recounting some of her accomplishments and contributions to women empowerment. 

“When l joined WCFCB there was one female branch manager, one female director and one female Head of department and that did not sit well with me. I had to call for their files and noted that most secretaries had good grades at high school. I then called for meetings for all female employees to encourage them to upgrade their qualifications. A number of them enrolled for a degree qualification at various universities and now WCFCB has 34 females in managerial positions. At director level there are three females out of four male directors”, Dr. Nkumbula also said. 

Dr. Nkumbula, who also provides mentorship for young women through various forums, has also ensured the implementation of a change management process at the Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) that has improved the lives of the people and ensured social sustainability in Zambia.

The board and management of the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development, which facilitated Dr. Elizabeth Nkumbula’s nomination for the Georgia Honorary Citizenship, congratulate her on this conferment.