The cutting-edge foreign policy of Sierra Leone that brightens its global stance

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With a unique example of how leadership plays a crucial role in global acceptability and respectability, Sierra Leone has revealed some of the foreign policy priorities that increased its global acceptance.

Speaking with the African Leadership Magazine in an interview, The Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Republic of Sierra Leone, Prof. David J. Francis discussed some of these priorities and how they have transformed Sierra Leone.

According to Prof. Francis, “Every administration comes with a clear view of how to reposition the country; from that perspective, you construct your foreign priorities. So, we were very clear on the five core priorities for the New Direction government of His Excellency, Dr Julius Maada Bio.

“The priorities were derived from 10 of the national constitution of 1991. Also, those core priorities are translated as our national interests,” he said.

According to Prof. Francis these are some of the foreign policy priorities:

Re-branding and Repositioning of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone was regarded as one of the most corrupt countries in the world when President Bio assumed office in April 2018. It was treated as an insignificant country.

With these issues, it became pertinent to re-brand the country and reposition it well for more progress in the future.

For global recognition, credibility, and respect from the international community, the Sierra Leone government focused on ensuring that it earned the right standing partnership with international development institutions like International Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Bank.

The key development partners in the country were keen on a new administration with clear development priorities that they can work with more amicably to bring the country to where it is today.

Trade and Investment Opportunities

After re-branding Sierra Leone, the next priority was to make the country the investor’s destination choice by providing secured trade, and investment opportunities and fast-track inclusive developments, economic growth, employment, and job creation. The government also created space and acceptance for international relations.

The country has been gifted with a favourable tropical climate with fertile soil advantage for agriculture. It also has an extensive continental shelf with numerous varieties of fishery resources, a natural environment offering touristic prospects, and vast mineral resources and all these were being used to boost the productivity of Sierra Leone thereby giving it a global gaze and respect.

Promotion of the Success Story of Post-war

The Sierra Leone government under the leadership of President Maada Bio focused on reconstruction and the lessons learned since the inception of the country and the need to share it with the rest of the world.

“We have a unique story to share with the rest of the world that you can come from the ashes of war and demonstrate resilience through that process. And that resilience gives you hope. So, we give hope to Ukraine today that it can be done, we give hope to Afghanistan that it can be done, we give hope to Yemen and all the war-torn countries.” – Prof. David J. Francis.

By doing this, experiences such as mistakes, brevity, courage, strength, good deeds, other lessons learned during and after the war and its effect and how to navigate through hard times and more were used to promote Sierra Leone for global credibility.

Contributing to International Peace, Security, and Law

Sierra Leone positioned itself to contribute to international peace and security. Knowing what multilateral cooperation for maintaining international peace and security has done for Sierra Leone, it has been a beneficiary of peacekeeping.

This act has contributed to sustainable and inclusive human and economic development, where everybody is able to shape and control their lives and help develop their communities.

Through ECOWAS and the African Union, Sierra Leone has been able to work for the maintenance of international peace and security and that is why in the current crisis in Ukraine, they have not been neutral, their national interests have been promoted as well.

Sierra Leone has also shown support for the UN Charter in international law and values upholding.

Promoting the Interests of Sierra Leoneans Abroad

Sierra Leone has done well in promoting and catering to the interests of its citizens abroad.

It has protected the rights and interests of its citizens in the diaspora, paying special attention to groups such as victims of trafficking, asylum seekers, children, women, the sick, elderly, youth, and persons living with disabilities, and has also provided for the citizens of Sierra Leone internationally valid traveling documents in the form of passports, seamen’s books, Emergency Travelling Certificates (ETCs).

With these foreign policy priorities attained, Sierra Leone has been able to present true leadership accompanied by credibility and trust and these have drawn the attention of the international community for global recognition.

These steps being taken by the Republic of Sierra Leone has made it a pacesetter on various front when it comes to diplomacy and international relations. Many African nations need to follow this path in other to move from where they are to where they ought to be. With the results obtained and the continuous global recognition proves a clear indication that Sierra Leona is taking the right steps.

The cutting-edge foreign policy of Sierra Leone that brightens its global stance

The cutting-edge foreign policy of Sierra Leone that brightens its global stance