Tanzania’s Announces Its First Statistics of Corona Virus Cases in The Country

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The Republic of Tanzania has released statistics on Corona Virus cases since the commencement of the third wave. This marks a sharp turning point from Suluhu’s predecessor, the late John Pombe Magufuli. As of today, the country has confirmed 100 cases attracting a budget of $470 million to buy Covid 19 Vaccines.

Last week, Tanzania’s health Ministry warned its Citizens of a looping third wave of COVID 19 Pandemic which was swiping across Africa. 

On Monday, Tanzania’s President HE. Samia Suluhu pointed out that the country has recorded 100 similar cases in recent days, noting that 70 patients in need of Oxygen. Further, she urged the Citizens to protect themselves from the deadly Corona Virus pandemic.

Addressing Tanzanian residents, HE. Samia Suluhu said despite the numbers not being high, the residents must take the initiative to protect themselves to prevent the cases from rising.

The country has for the first time joined the world in urging its citizens to undertake vaccination exercises. This will be a voluntary activity that will be undertaken upon the decision of an individual.

The $470 Million is also inclusive of economic relief for businesses that were severely hit by the pandemic.

According to a social media post by the U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania Donald Wright, HE. Suluhu’s move to buy the vaccine is an indication that the United States is ready to give in a hand of support.

More to this Shadrack Mwaibambe, President of Tanzania’s medical Association says the country has taken lessons from the first two waves pointing out that Tanzania shall continue to stand firm and address any weakness as far as COVID 19 is concerned.

In addition, Mwaibambe commended Tanzania’s president’s decision on employing scientific methods on fighting the pandemic. He says the amount of money set aside shall be enough and will not be diverted to other areas.

Felista Mauya, director of empowerment and accountability with the legal and Human Rights Center says Citizens should follow the COVID 19 guidelines laid upon by the national government and work on precautionary methods.

“We continue to emphasize that citizens and the whole society should continue to observe precautions by washing hands, wearing masks, and observing social distancing. people should focus on the guidelines and statements that our leaders are issuing following all the health guidelines and we can fight the virus.”

President Samia Suluhu is yet to make a public announcement on when the vaccine will arrive in the country.

Specialists are determining which brand of Vaccine fits to be sent to Tanzania and how it will be distributed.