Tanzania: Mwinyi Assures Food Security, Safety

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The Tanzanian President, Dr Hussein Mwinyi has reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring food security, safety, and nutrition in the Islands.

This came as a response to increasing population and global instability caused by ongoing wars, pandemics, the impact of climate change, and drought which are disrupting the food supply chain and leading to price rises.

This development was confirmed in his speech read by Vice-President Hemed Suleiman Abdulla at the opening of a week-long exhibition of ‘food products from farms, and promotion of nutrition among children at Chamanagwe in Pemba.

“Zanzibar will continue working hard to ensure the sustainable supply of sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets the dietary requirement of the growing population.

“The Zanzibar food exhibition in Pemba is part of activities organized to mark World Food Day on October 16 and the theme for 2022 is ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’ which stresses that production and consumption of safe food have immediate and long-term benefits for people, the planet, and the economy.”

However, the UN warns that 2022 finds the world with an ongoing pandemic, conflict, a climate that won’t stop warming, rising prices, and international tensions.

“This is affecting global food security. We need to build a sustainable world where everyone, everywhere has regular access to enough nutritious food. No one should be left behind.”

He informed the gathering that the ongoing implementation of programmes including the improvement of agricultural and livestock research institutes aims at addressing the challenges in food production as weather reports indicate a shortage of rains this year.

Dr Mwinyi also advised farmers to raise livestock so that they can provide pasture to avoid conflicts with people.

“I also urge you to stop unplanned construction of houses in areas meant for agriculture and water sources in our and the interest of the animals.