Tanzania: Government Frowns at Environmental Pollution

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The Republic of Tanzania recently celebrated the world environment day. During the celebration, the Vice President, Ms. Samia Suluhu Hassan spoke on the dangerous effects caused by humans industries in the environment.

She laid emphasis on the environment, which will pose a threat to the government industrial goals if unprotected. She also pleaded for support from stalk holders to help the government conserve the environment.

While explaining the deteriorating circumstances of the environment she mentioned that the toxic substances released into the environment and rivers by some mining sites and industries cause danger to human health and living things in the water. She also mentioned that due to the pollution in the environment many river basins in the country are dried up.

Following the deteriorating situation, she has urged regional authorities to ensure the cultivation of 1.5 million trees that will be nurtured and developed. She also stated that plans have been made to educate the people on the importance of nature, to help them protect the environment jealously. She said that the government will not hesitate to take extreme measures to curb the activities of those industries and mining sites that release poisonous substances into water sources.