Ethiopian Airlines, Zambia to relaunch national airline at cost of $30 million

Ethiopian Airlines has signed a shareholding agreement with Zambia’s main development agency to relaunch the southern African country’s flag carrier at an.

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Zambia Group Hails Appointment of Female Cabinet Ministers

By Peter Clottey Zambian President Edgar Lungu has appointed eight women to his Cabinet in a decision that one women’s group in.

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Zambia: How Drought Conditions Push up Food Prices

By Danstan Kaunda Lower harvests of maize, wheat and sugarcane as a result of severe weather in the region are pushing up.

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Zambia’s Lungu to Be Sworn in as Court Missed Deadline- Government Source

Zambia’s government will proceed with plans to inaugurate President Edgar Lungu as the Constitutional Court’s extension beyond a 14-day deadline of the.

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Zambia Church Groups Call for Peace Ahead of Friday’s Election Petition Ruling

By Peter Clottey Three Zambian church groups have called for peace ahead of an anticipated court ruling on the opposition’s challenge to.

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Zambia Plans to Cut Subsidies, in Talks with IMF

Zambia plans to cut subsidies as agreed with the International monetary Fund, with talks on an aid package at an advanced stage,.

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Zambia’s Lungu Says to Limit Spending, Boost Economic Growth

By Reuters Zambia will control expenditure and take measures to boost economic growth, President Edgar Lungu who was re-elected to the helm.

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Zambia’s Reputation as Stable Haven Tested After Contentious Poll

Anita Powell These are worrying times in Zambia, a southern African nation that takes pride in its peaceful, democratic history. After the.

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Zambia President Lungu Re-Elected in Close Vote

Zambia’s president has been re-elected in a closely contested vote that the opposition claims was rigged. The electoral commission said incumbent Edgar.

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Zambia’s Lungu Keeps Slim Lead with Half of Votes Counted

Zambian President Edgar Lungu maintained a slim lead over his main rival on Sunday with nearly half of votes counted as the.

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