United States envoy to UN visits Kenya, Ghana, Mozambique, as Biden releases $15 billion investment fund

  The Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, will travel to Ghana, Mozambique, and Kenya.

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US seeks African partnerships on climate change, health

The US is seeking to create more “mutually beneficial” partnerships with African countries in addressing climate change, health and economic growth, US.

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For the Prosperity of Global Economy, China U.S. Need Dialogue

By Chao Xiaoliang, Consul General of The People’s Republic of China in Lagos   It’s been 46 years since the United States.

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Mattis: US ‘Not in Iraq to Seize Anybody’s Oil’

U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said Monday the United States does not intend to seize oil from Iraq, something President Donald.

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50 years after assassination, US remembers former president John F Kennedy

The US has marked 50 years since President John F Kennedy was killed by an assassin’s bullet in Dallas, Texas. The city,.

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U.S. To Help Train Libyan Forces

Libya and its fledgling security forces, overwhelmed by militia violence and unrest since the overthrow of dictator Moammar Gadhafi two years ago,.

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Syria crisis: France, US and UK want ‘strong’ UN resolution

France, Britain and the US will seek a “strong” UN resolution with “serious consequences” if Syria fails to hand over its chemical.

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