UN: More Than 1.5 million Are Refugees from South Sudan

More than 1.5 million South Sudanese have become refugees and their humanitarian needs are overwhelming aid efforts during the country’s civil war,.

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UN: Harmful Traditional Practice of Female Genital Mutilation Must End

Leading United Nations and humanitarian organizations have called for an end to female genital mutilation, a traditional practice that causes physical harm.

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UN to Help Ensure Smooth Transition in Gambia

The United Nations has deployed officials to Gambia to help ensure a smooth transition from former President Yahya Jammeh’s government to that.

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UN Seeks Funds for Famine Prevention amid Drought in Somalia

The United Nations wants almost a billion dollars to prevent famine in Somalia; but as a new government establishes itself, there are.

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UN: Investing in Girls Pays Huge Economic, Developmental Dividends

  Lisa Schlein A new United Nations report argues that investing in the education, health and well-being of 10-year-old girls will pay.

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UN Set to Appoint New Secretary-General

The United Nations is expected to appoint former Portugal Prime Minister Antonio Guterres as Secretary-General Thursday. U.N. General Assembly President Peter Thompson.

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UN Says It Alone Cannot Remove S. Sudanese Rebels from DRC

By Nick Long The U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo said Wednesday that it could not take sole.

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UN says Climate Change Affecting the Poor Most

  Climate change is taking its largest toll on the world’s poor, aggravating existing inequalities, a new report launched by the United.

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Nigerian Leader Asks UN to Help Free Abducted Chibok Girls

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has invited the United Nations to help negotiations to exchange the kidnapped schoolgirls from Chibok for detained leaders.

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S.Sudan Agrees to New UN-Backed Peacekeeping Force

By Lou Lorscheider Facing intense international pressure, South Sudan has recently agreed to the deployment of a 4,000-member regional protection force approved.

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