Joint Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda power project nears completion

The Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project (RRFHP), a joint venture by Rwanda, Tanzania, and Burundi, is 95 per cent done, with completion.

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Tanzania installs internet connectivity on Mount Kilimanjaro

The Tanzania Telecommunications Limited (TTCL), has installed high-speed internet connectivity on Africa’s highest mountain, Mt Kilimanjaro through a national broadband project. The.

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Tanzania Signs Natural Gas Deal With Equinor and Shell

Tanzania has signed a framework agreement with Equinor of Norway and Shell of the United Kingdom, bringing them one step closer to.

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WHO Concerned Over Polio Outbreak in Southeastern Africa

The World Health Organization, WHO, says authorities in Mozambique have declared an outbreak of wild poliovirus type 1 after confirming that a.

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Tanzania to ease pump pain with $43m fuel subsidy

Next month, Tanzania will spare motorists and households high pump price increases after the government announced a Tsh100 billion ($43 million) fuel.

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Tanzania to review ‘harsh’ media laws

On Tuesday, Tanzanian President, Samia Suluhu Hassan, ordered a review of the media law to promote press freedom in the country, even.

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Kenya moves to reduce interest on foreign debt

Kenya is reviewing the currency composition of its external debt to reduce currency volatility which has seen the cost of its dollar-denominated.

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UK, Tanzania Partner to fight child trafficking

The United Kingdom has committed to supporting Tanzania combat human trafficking, targeting eliminating the trafficking of children across Tanzania’s territorial borders. A.

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Elanco Animal Health, Farm Radio International partner to support livestock farmers in Tanzania

Global animal health company Elanco Animal Health Incorporated and Farm Radio International (FRI) have partnered to produce a 13-week series of radio.

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Norway, Tanzania Strike Sh25bn Deal

Dar es Salaam — The government of Norway has pledged to give the government Sh25 billion to bolster the capacity of the.

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