Economy Tourism Inspired Economic Growth – The Story of Mauritius

Beyond description, Mauritius is breathtaking, rich in stunning white sand beaches, magnificent crystal clear turquoise lagoons, natural waterfalls, unusual animals, rugged mountains,.

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Mauritius: Ministry of Health and Wellness Partners with UNDP to Set Up a National Healthcare Waste Disposal Facility

Mauritius has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for setting up a National Healthcare Waste Disposal Facility as part of the implementation of.

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Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub names CEO ahead of launch

After two years of intensive development, the Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub (MAFH) will be launching in December. Africa has immense potential for.

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Mauritius: Legislative Framework Strengthened to Fight Domestic Violence

  The Protection from Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act, which was proclaimed on 1st September 2016, will definitely prove to be a deterrent.

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