U.S. Air Strikes Pound Libya’s Sirte to Oust IS Militants

U.S. aircraft hit Islamic State targets with more 30 strikes over the last three days on the Libyan city of Sirte as.

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Libya PM Calls for National Reconciliation in Splintered Country

  By Yara Bayoum Libya’s prime minister called for a national reconciliation initiative to repair the divisions in a fragmented country reeling.

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Libya: ISIS All But Defeated in Moammar Gadhafi’s Hometown

ISIS is on the brink of being kicked out of the coastal Libyan city of Sirte — the extremist group’s most significant.

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Why Obama Supports Libya’s Fight with Islamic State

President Barack Obama said it is in the U.S. national security interest to support Libya’s emerging government’s fight against Islamic State, a.

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Libyan Forces Repel Islamic State Attacks in Battle for Sirte

Forces backed by Libya’s unity government recently said they had consolidated positions on the edge of Sirte, repelling sniper, tank and mortar.

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EU Seeks UN backing to Enforce Libya Arms Embargo

EU foreign policy Chief Federica Mogherini has recently asked the UN Security Council Monday to authorize the EU naval force in the Mediterranean to.

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Libya’s parliament approves new government

Libya’s interim parliament Sunday approved a new government, led by Prime Minister Ahmed Mitig, in a controversial vote that threatens to deepen.

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U.S. To Help Train Libyan Forces

Libya and its fledgling security forces, overwhelmed by militia violence and unrest since the overthrow of dictator Moammar Gadhafi two years ago,.

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