The Untold Liberia History

In Liberia’s growth from a colony to a modern state, lies the untold story of Africa’s first and oldest modern republic founded.

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Africa: The Liberian Digital Revolution

A West African country on the coast, Liberia was once infamous for civil war, so-called “blood diamonds” and public health crises like.

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Liberia 2023: UN Renews Commitment over Legislative, Presidential Polls

The United Nations has renewed its commitment to support Liberia’s peacebuilding priorities, essentially in the 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections. Minister of.

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US Recognises Liberia’s Progress in Fishing Industry

The US State Department’s 2022 report on Liberia said the country’s fishing industry which had been long dormant compared to pre-war levels,.

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Ambassador Delahouse hails Weah’s pro-poor strategic agenda

President George Weah’s Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) has been described as the best development strategy for Liberia. It was.

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President Weah reaffirms Commitment to Improve Citizens Welfare

President of Liberia, George Weah has reaffirmed his commitment to improving the living condition of the citizens of the country. Weah made.

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Liberia Reforms Discriminatory Gender Nationality Law

The U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, praised Liberia for removing gender discrimination from its nationality law, granting women the same right as men.

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President Weah Recalls Legislators for Special Session on Critical National Issues

The President of the Republic, H. E. Dr George Manneh Weah, is calling to work members of the 54th National Legislature for.

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President Weah Signs Into law Dual Citizenship Bill, Others

President George Weah signed into law several “iconic bills” geared at spurring “national inclusiveness and the fight against graft and corruption in.

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Liberia Returns to Coins Use in September

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), is expected to release the first batch of coins and other banknote denominations on the market.

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