The Course Of Electoral Democracy In Lesotho

Democracy as a form of government is desired by all nations of the world because, in principle, it serves as a representative.

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Lesotho: The Development Of Electoral Democracy

It is a fact that there isn’t a single electoral system that is considered perfect for sustaining, retaining, and consolidating democratic governance.

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MATEKANE: Hope for Lesotho as ALM’s ABLA 2022 Lifetime Achievement Winner Becomes Prime Minister

In June 2022, Africa voted Sam Matekane as the winner of the African Leadership Magazine poll-based Africa Business Leadership Awards (ABLA) 2022.

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Lesotho: Matekane Sets for Prime Ministerial Position

Lesotho’s businessman-turned-politician Sam Matekane is set to become the southern African country’s next prime minister after putting together a coalition headed by.

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Lesotho Set To Elect Head of Government

Lesotho has planned to hold Parliamentary elections and choose, a Prime Minister to head the government of the country slated for October.

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Emerging Success Stories For African Continent

For too long, Sub-Saharan Africa has been treated as a single entity that is mired in failure. Yet we fail to ask.

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UN-Habitat hosts session on waste management

On the World Habitat Day, the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship Lesotho, and the UN-Habitat jointly hosted an Urban Breakfast dialogue.

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Prime Minister Loses Confidence Vote

Lesotho’s Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili was preparing on Wednesday to call a snap election after losing a confidence vote in parliament, a.

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SADC Summit Looks to Consolidate Peace in Lesotho

Consolidating peace and security in the kingdom of Lesotho is high on the agenda as Southern African Development Community (SADC) leaders meet.

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