Evaluating Diplomatic Ties Between Kenya and Somalia

Somalia and Kenya are East African neighbours whose relationship has been bumpy since independence. These neighbours that are historically, economically, and culturally.

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Odinga rejects Kenyan presidential election results, calls for calm

The Kenyan presidential hopeful and runner-up in the just-concluded presidential elections, Raila Odinga has rejected the results but called for calm among.

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A Record Number of Women in Kenya Clinch top Seats in the Just Concluded Hotly Contested 2022 General Elections

In the wake of the push and pull around the 2/3rds gender principle in leadership slots in Kenya, and if the recent.

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IMF approves $235.6 million disbursement to Kenya on loan review

The International Monetary Fund, IMF, said its executive board approved a $235.6 million disbursement to Kenya on Monday as it approved a.

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U.S., Kenya launch non-tariff trade and investment partnership talks

The United States and Kenya on Thursday launched a strategic trade and investment partnership to pursue commitments to boost economic growth, support.

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Africa’s IGAD Bloc Seeks Support to Feed Millions Amid Severe Drought

Members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a regional bloc that includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda,.

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Hope as Addis, Tigray opt for dialogue in Nairobi

Ethiopia’s peace prospects took a positive turn over the weekend after the government and the rebel Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) signalled.

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Kenya calls for immediate deployment of regional force to eastern Congo

Kenya’s President, Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday called for the immediate deployment of a new regional military force to try to stop rebel.

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Kenya’s Growing inflation rate: Causes and Effects

The Kenyan Economy is seen as the third-largest economy in Africa after Nigeria and South Africa. The government is generally investment-friendly and.

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Power of Parity: Will Kenya Meet its 2010 Constitution Promises?

“My name is Rebecca Maroa, currently the County Executive Committee member CEM in charge of water, energy, environment, climate change, and disaster.

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