Zimbabwe’s recovery story from a mangled economy

Many global economies were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. And just when some started to recover from it, the Russia-Ukraine war.

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The business of healthcare delivery in any nation is of great importance to any responsible government, hence the attention that the Ghanian.

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Many African countries have long debated how to ensure that mineral resource wealth contributes to long-term economic development. It is an especially.

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Rwanda gets positive growth rating from the international community

Another positive outcome has occurred in Rwanda as the growth of the country is revised from negative to stable. Standard & Poor.

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Akinwumi Adesina’s AfDB Commits $10 billion to Africa’s food sovereignty

Akinwumi Adesina’s African Development Bank Group will commit $10 billion over the next five years to boost Africa’s efforts to end hunger.

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France finally agrees to leave Burkina Faso

After initially foot-dragging on the ultimatum given to them, France has finally agreed to withdraw its troops from Burkina Faso within a.

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France gets an ultimatum to leave Burkina Faso, as Macron foot drags

The Burkina Faso Military Junta has confirmed that it has asked ex-colonial ruler France to pull its troops out of the country.

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Business conscious President Buhari of Nigeria, Charges leaders on Inter-African trade.

President Buhari of Nigeria harps on Inter-African trade Nigerian President, Mohammadu Buhari is calling on African countries to actively exploit intra-African trade.

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South African government launches $140 million fund for startups

South African government has launched a $140 million fund to help small business start-ups that are geared towards creating employment opportunities and.

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Egyptian Government approves Mubadala Petroleum and BP in Nour North Sinai Offshore concession

The sale of a 20% participating interest to Mubadala Petroleum, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company, and a 25% participating interest.

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