Recently Distinguished Students from Africa

Africa has a long and proud tradition of producing some of the world’s brightest and most accomplished students. Over the past few.

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7 Most Impressive Universities in Africa

Numerous universities are located throughout the continent of Africa, and several of them have been ranked among the greatest in the world.

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International Day of Education, 244 million children are out of school

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as the International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education in.

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Tertiary And Vocational Education In Africa

Education and development are intertwined, and where there is no Education, there is no Development. Hence, Nelson Mandela endorsed this through his.

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Tablets For Education And Research

In March 1990, the United Nations encouraged all countries to embrace adequate primary education and adopt the World Declaration on “Education for.

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UK announces a £12 mn fund to support education reforms in Egypt

The UK fund will include support for teacher training, through the ministry’s flagship education programme, and support children’s education in governorates across.

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Egypt’s Sisi Hinges on Developing Health, Education to Improve Living Conditions

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has revealed a huge interest in developing the education and health sectors to improve the living conditions.

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6 Presidents, Business Leaders, Nominated

6 African Heads of States and 12 Business Leaders are among nominees for various categories of the annual African Leadership Magazine Persons.

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  ROUNDTABLE ON EDUCATION & GENDER EQUALITY HELSINKI, FINLAND The Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD), an organization in special consultative.

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Nigeria: Most African Governments Still Pay Lip Service to Education- NDA Commandant

Major General Mohammed Tasiu Ibrahim, the commandant of the Nigeria Defence Academy, In an exclusive interview with African Leadership Magazine’s Chrys Anyanwu,.

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