Uganda conquers deadly Ebola, gets thumps up from WHO

Uganda is currently in a state of jubilation after the confirmation that the Ebola Sudan Virus outbreak in the country has ended.

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Uganda Prepares to Start Ebola Vaccine Trials as Minister Aceng, WHO, Make Final Assessments

The World Health Organization (WHO) country representative Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam and Ugandan minister of Health Jane Ruth Aceng have made final assessments.

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Ebola Trial Vaccines To Start In Uganda

Three candidate vaccines against the strain of Ebola wreaking havoc in Uganda will be shipped to the East African country next week.

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Ebola: Uganda Deploys vaccine To Curb Virus Spread

In about two weeks, Uganda would deploy the experimental Ebola vaccines to prevent the further spread of the virus in the country..

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Uganda: UK Pledges £2.2m Over Ebola Outbreak

The British High Commission in Kampala said the UK was ready to provide £2.2m to WHO, UNICEF, and WFP in a bid.

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Ebola: Uganda Locks Down Districts

Ugandan authorities on Saturday imposed a travel lockdown on two Ebola-hit districts as part of efforts to stop the spread of the.

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Sudan: Trial Ebola Strain Vaccine Begins In weeks – WHO

World Health Organization, WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Wednesday a clinical trial of a vaccine to combat the Sudan strain.

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Rwanda: RBC Opens Seven Testing Sites for Ebola

Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) has opened seven testing sites for Ebola in different parts of the country as one of the steps.

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Uganda: Health Devt Partners Move To End Ebola Virus

The leadership of the Ugandan Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), and other health partners have visited the Ebola-affected areas.

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Ghana Moves To End Marburg virus outbreak

Two months after recording three cases, Ghana has declared an end to the Marburg virus disease outbreak, a haemorrhagic fever almost as.

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