NIGERIA UNVEILS AFRICAN DEBIT CARD, (AfriGo), allay fears of international service providers

The Federal Republic of Nigeria has unveiled an African Central Bank – Led National Domestic Card Scheme, AfriGo, to address local financial.

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Japan Awards Scholarship to African Students

The Japan Africa Dream Scholarship program has awarded two-year scholarships to high-achieving African students to pursue post-graduate studies in priority development areas.

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AfDB President, Adesina calls for more Japanese investments in Africa

The African Development Bank President, AfDB, Dr Akinwumi Adesina has urged Japanese prospective investors to invest more in Africa where investment opportunities.

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ALM PERSON OF THE YEAR 2016…Who will it Be?   

Who will it be? This is the question agitating the mind of millions of Africans and friends of Africa, as the African.

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