Recently Distinguished Students from Africa

Africa has a long and proud tradition of producing some of the world’s brightest and most accomplished students. Over the past few.

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African Leadership Magazine to attend the 36th AU Summit in Addis Ababa

As part of efforts to bring the best of Africa to the rest of the world, and in line with its overarching.

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Many African countries have long debated how to ensure that mineral resource wealth contributes to long-term economic development. It is an especially.

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African Players Impact In Europe Top 5 Leagues

Football is a sport, but it’s much more than that. To some people, it’s a way of life. African athletes have played.

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Economy Tourism Inspired Economic Growth – The Story of Mauritius

Beyond description, Mauritius is breathtaking, rich in stunning white sand beaches, magnificent crystal clear turquoise lagoons, natural waterfalls, unusual animals, rugged mountains,.

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Africa Union Summit: Bostwana banks of agriculture for diversification

Botswana’s Vice President Slumber Tsogwane has stated that the agriculture sector remains a priority area for economic diversification and sector competitiveness in.

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Ethiopia gets $745 million from World Bank

Ethiopia Ministry of Finance and the World Bank have signed two Financing Agreements amounting to a total of $745 million, approximately 39.8.

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United States envoy to UN visits Kenya, Ghana, Mozambique, as Biden releases $15 billion investment fund

  The Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, Linda Thomas Greenfield, will travel to Ghana, Mozambique, and Kenya.

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International Day of Education, 244 million children are out of school

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as the International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education in.

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Dogged President of Kenya re-echo calls to end trade barrier in East Africa.

The call to end trade barriers in Africa has been on the front burner for the economic managers in the African continent.

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