Many African countries have long debated how to ensure that mineral resource wealth contributes to long-term economic development. It is an especially.

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Economy Tourism Inspired Economic Growth – The Story of Mauritius

Beyond description, Mauritius is breathtaking, rich in stunning white sand beaches, magnificent crystal clear turquoise lagoons, natural waterfalls, unusual animals, rugged mountains,.

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Movies For National Development

There is a popular saying that films are a reflection of society, yes, this is true but films not only reflect society,.

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Pope wants the exploitations in Africa to stop

Pope Francis denounced the “poison of greed” for mineral resources driving conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo as he began a visit.

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Africa Union Summit: Bostwana banks of agriculture for diversification

Botswana’s Vice President Slumber Tsogwane has stated that the agriculture sector remains a priority area for economic diversification and sector competitiveness in.

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Ethiopia gets $745 million from World Bank

Ethiopia Ministry of Finance and the World Bank have signed two Financing Agreements amounting to a total of $745 million, approximately 39.8.

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Akinwumi Adesina’s AfDB Commits $10 billion to Africa’s food sovereignty

Akinwumi Adesina’s African Development Bank Group will commit $10 billion over the next five years to boost Africa’s efforts to end hunger.

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NIGERIA UNVEILS AFRICAN DEBIT CARD, (AfriGo), allay fears of international service providers

The Federal Republic of Nigeria has unveiled an African Central Bank – Led National Domestic Card Scheme, AfriGo, to address local financial.

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Ethiopia Gets new Central Bank Governor

In what seems to be a major cabinet reshuffling Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed has appointed a new Governor for the National.

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Zimbabwe launches $90 million fund for Mothers and Children

Zimbabwe vice president and Health Minister, Constantino Chiwenga has launched a US$90 million Health Resilience Fund to support vulnerable mothers , newborns.

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