African Leadership Magazine to attend the 36th AU Summit in Addis Ababa

As part of efforts to bring the best of Africa to the rest of the world, and in line with its overarching.

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Dogged President of Kenya re-echo calls to end trade barrier in East Africa.

The call to end trade barriers in Africa has been on the front burner for the economic managers in the African continent.

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South Africa And Vietnam Look To Beef Up Trade Ties

The South African -Vietnam joint committee on trade cooperation held its fifth meeting in Johannesburg on Thursday to seek ways to foster.

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Ghanaian Economy to Receive $230 Million from 39 Newly Licensed Free Zone Companies

The Ghanaian economy is expected to be injected with a total investment amount of $230m by 39 newly licensed Free Zone companies.

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Positioning SMEs in Ghana for growth and Development

All around the world, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an active role in the development of economies. Also globally, SMEs account.

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The Dawn of African Economic Greatness World-Over

The awful truth about emerging African economic greatness is beginning to dawn on the world. Don’t butt in to think it’s going.

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Why Africa Must Liberalise Airspace – President Kagame

Rwandan President, Paul Kagame said the liberalization of air transport in Africa can act as a catalyst to speed up the industry’s.

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Boosting Intra-African Trade to Foster Economic Development

If a major lesson is to be drawn from the systemic financial crisis in the global economy today, it is the need.

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AU Launches Largest Continent-Wide Energy Trading Programme

The African Union (AU) has launched the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) which will one day become the world’s largest continent-wide energy.

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The Morning Economy

Granting farmers complete economic independence in the morning markets is extremely doable in underdeveloped nations. This will put the economy as a.

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