Sudan Foreign Minister To Visit Turkey In A Bid To Promote Economic Relations

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El-Dirdeiry Mohamed Ahmed, Sudanese Foreign Minister will start a two-day visit to Turkey on Tuesday 14th August, 2018 to discuss ways to develop an economic partnership, says a statement by the Turkish foreign ministry.

During the visit on 14-15 August, he will hold talks with his Turkish counterpart on bilateral relations as the two countries hold the first meeting of a joint committee to develop bilateral relations.

“During the visit, the first meeting of the Joint Strategic Planning Group between two countries will be held under the chairmanship of [Turkish Foreign Minister] Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Sudanese counterpart,” the Turkish foreign ministry.
The fisting minister also will deliver a speech at the 10th Conference of Turkish Ambassadors, which is held between August 12-17 in both the capital Ankara and in the central Konya province.

During a visit to Sudan in December 2017, the Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir and visiting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday have agreed to raise trade exchange between the two countries to $1 billion within one year.

Furthermore, the two countries signed 12 cooperation agreements and agreed to launch a strategic partnership covering agriculture, industry, minerals and health. Both countries approved the establishment of a higher political committee headed by the two presidents, saying the committee would annually meet in Khartoum and Ankara alternately.