Special Editorial Promotion & African Leadership Magazine Showcase of Africa’s Top Covid-19 Response Champions

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At this critical time in our collective history, Africa faces what is arguably its most daunting challenge – the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to dealing with monumental infrastructure and energy deficits; a youthful population desperate for jobs and opportunities; and huge gaps in health-care delivery, education and poverty eradication. As such, the continent has never been as in need of leaders, who care about the development and welfare of its people, as it does now. 

The African Leadership magazine is, therefore, putting together a special editorial showcase and promotion of Africa’s Top COVID-19 Response Champions, to recognize the various individual and corporate contributions to the fight against the pandemic.  The African Leadership magazine is particularly excited with their various contributions, as it is not a one-off temporary response to a crisis, but clearly a reflection of their longstanding strategic leadership on the continent as leading corporate icons who cares about people and society.

Hence, a comprehensive report on these organizations/individuals and a week-long online showcase shall be promoted across all our digital and social media platforms from April – May 2020, as well as published in the May-June 2020 edition of the African Leadership magazine.