Southern African Transport Conference (SATC)

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About the Southern African Transport Conference (SATC)

The Southern African Transport Conference is southern Africa’s premier transport conference, which has taken place every year for the last 38 years. SATC attracts 700 transport professionals, researchers and practitioners to discuss, debate and learn about relevant topics relating to the world of transport, mobility, and land-use or public space.

This year the theme is Disruptive Transport Technologies – are South and southern Africa ready? Although not every presentation deals strictly with the theme, the conference will broadly address the way in which transport and mobility have evolved and where the future is going, with the advent of disruptive transport technologies.

The conference takes place from 8 -11 July 2019 at the CSIR Convention Centre in Pretoria. As one of the few transport conferences in the region to accept only peer-reviewed work that meet publication quality, SATC has is an important contributor to and influencer in the national debate about transport in southern Africa.

The conference build-up begins toward the end of every year, with a call to submit abstracts, which are then reviewed and potential authors invited to submit  research papers for consideration; papers are then reviewed by a cohort of peers, and selected by the Technical Committee and session conveners during February and March.

The Conference is endorsed by the Department of Transport, with the Minister of Transport our honoured patron.

Visit for more information and to reserve your seat.

Twitter: @transport_sa  

Facebook: SATransport Conference

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