South Africa: Cape Town Continues “Water Saving” Process

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Over the past weeks, Cape Town has received a good response to the water regulation in the city. This is as a result of the recent rains and the city’s partnership with the private sector on a short-term emergency water supply.


Although the rains have caused the city’s dam storage levels to increase to 25.4%  which is a good result compare to last month’s report which was about 19% there about, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Informal Settlements, Water and Waste Services; and Energy, Ms. Xanthea Limberg, has asked residents to continue saving water because the available safe or useable water produced by the dams is approximately 15.4% which is quite low.


Residents have been enjoined to use less than 87 litres of water individually in one day irrespective of where they may find themselves within the city.


“Collective water usage is 619 million litres per day. This is 119 million litres above the new target of 500 million litres of collective water usage under Level 4b water restrictions,”


“We encourage friends, neighbours, families, and colleagues to join efforts and to see how they can brainstorm new ways of saving water to bring water usage down even further to below 87 litres of water in total per person per day, wherever they are. Peer-monitoring could also be a good way to keep motivation levels high,” Limberg said.