Somalian Army Subdues Al-Shabab, Regains Territories

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Somalia’s government said its military has pushed Al-Shabab terrorists out of large parts of the country’s central area in the latest large-scale offensive.

ALM gathered that the Somali tribal militia launched an offensive in the Hiran region a few weeks ago against Al-Shabab militants, liberating several key townships before moving on to Galgaduud and then the Bay region in the south.

The state media in a broadcast made the declaration following the Somalia Interior Minister, Ahmed Moallim Figi’s appearance on a talk show where he said the Somalia army and local militia tribes had defeated militants in central Somalia after liberating much of the Hiran and Galgaduud regions.

Also, he affirmed that 40 settlements in Hiran and six more in Galgaduud had been liberated in less than three weeks, deeming this work commendable.

In his words, “Our forces seized territory from militants which stretches over 40 settlements including villages, places where fewer people live and others where more people live.

“These 40 settlements are located only in the Hiran region and a new operation has been launched in the Galgaduud region to liberate more territories, and you can imagine what happened yesterday and today when militants fled their dead comrades and ammunition, and so far, six villages have been liberated, and this only started yesterday.”