Sheryl Mboya: Kenyan Varsity Student Invents Edible Cups And Plates

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Changes in environmental deterioration are what motivated Ms Sheryl Mboya. As a young Kenyan University Student, she has developed edible plates and cups as the ideal replacement for traditional plastic plates and cups. While speaking to a local TV station in Nairobi, Kenya, she likened her concept to Eating Ice Corn once you eat an Ice Cream.

“We want to revolutionize how people Consume plastics. Other than that, We also want to enable people to change into a more alternative sustainable alternative. I love to term it in a similar way you can eat your Ice corn, Once you are done Eating your Ice cream. That’s the same you can consume your snackuit Product. Therefore, once you are eating your dinner, lunch, or drinking your coffee then you can be able to eat your plate cup or spoon. They are made using completely edible foodstuffs or ingredients that people commonly use, so in turn, the product is edible”….Sheryl Mboya, the Inventor of Edible foods.

The Mount Kenya University law student, who hails from Nairobi, named her innovation Snackuit.

As such, the end product is edible and can be consumed by all living organisms.
(human beings, plants, land, and marine animals). Add salt to it. It is free from allergens, and cholesterol and is also sugar-free.

At present, the innovation is under development by Green Tele mechanics Limited. This is a technology and innovation developer, more specifically, whose main goal is to provide original solutions. The solutions do not only address challenges but also contribute to climate action.

In an exclusive interview with a different local mainstream media house based in the East African Country, Ms Sheryl also noted that her innovation is under intellectual property protection.

This is both nationally through the Kenya Industrial Property Institute and globally through the World Intellectual Property Organization. Ms, Sheryl Mboya now joins East Africa’s history books of young people as the country continues to remain East Africa’s economic powerhouse.

As she works to take it internationally, Greenx Telemechanics has said in a statement that it would aid her in developing the final prototype _a look-alike and work like the original concept. At present, it is now working to make Sheryl’s dream come true by working towards mass production of the product.

“Since we are just wrapping up the prototype stage upon which we will begin the production stage, GreenX through the assistance of State Department for Youth Affairs, Ministry of ICT Innovation and Youth Affairs Principal Secretary Charles Sunkuli is currently working on the necessary certifications such as the Kenya Bureau of Standards, food hygiene certificate, food handling medical certificate and any other certifications required.”This also involves laboratory testing, which will be conducted by Nas Servair, an operator of an on-site airport catering facility.”…. An official from Green X said.

At the just-concluded Stockholm climate meeting, Ms Sheryl Mboya wowed the attendees with her enthusiasm for the environment and climate change. She noted that plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats facing our planet today.

As a result, it contributes to one of the primary problems of the triple planetary crisis. Climate change, plastic pollution, and biodiversity loss are all part of the triple catastrophe.
The three components of the triple global crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—are unfortunately interconnected. As a result, by dealing with plastic pollution; The continent will also be dealing with the other two factors: the climate problem and biodiversity loss.

She thinks that it is indeed critical for the world to take action against the plastic catastrophe. This is besides finding a replacement to stop the flow of plastics onto the global market to address the problem of plastic pollution.

By providing a more inventive and sustainable alternative to plastic consumption and the ensuing plastic pollution, she maintains her innovation. Snackuit addresses the latter.
Her target market, she says, is everyone and every industry that consumes plastics.

Her concept extends way beyond just reducing individual plastic consumption. In the future, she hopes that the continent will join her in promoting sustainability.

Additionally, she plans to collaborate with other businesses through the Fahari Innovation Hub, such as Kenya Air Ways.

The move will position it as a more sustainable option, which will in turn enhance both their business’s overall sustainability and their environmental sustainability program.

At the just concluded Stockholm, +50 hundred speakers maintained their call for a real commitment to urgently address global environmental concerns.