Senegalese Bathily Now Special Reps, Head, UN Libya Support Mission

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United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed Abdoulaye Bathily of Senegal as his Special Representative for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

The UN scribe who disclosed this in a press statement said the UN would provide full support to Special Representative, Bathily as he mediates the Libya-led political process.

In his words, “The United States will provide full support to Special Representative Bathily as he mediates the Libya-led political process, and we call upon the international community to work in lockstep with the Special Representative.

The Libyan people have demanded an opportunity to choose their leaders through free and fair elections, which are essential to confer legitimacy and ensure accountability for a new government.”

“We welcome the appointment by UN Secretary-General Guterres of Mr Abdoulaye Bathily as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

The outbreak of violence in Tripoli in August underscored the unsustainability of the situation in Libya, making clear the need for all sides to work in good faith and with a sense of urgency to reach agreement on a constitutional framework and concrete timeline for elections.”

“The United States encourages Special Representative Bathily to prioritize efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in Libya’s state institutions as well as the work of the UN ceasefire monitoring mission as it assists the Libyan 5+5 Joint Military Commission in overseeing the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, fighters, and mercenaries.”

Bathily succeeded Ján Kubiš of Slovakia, who previously served as Special Envoy and Head of UNSMIL, and to whom the Secretary-General expresses his gratitude for his service to the Organization.

Recall that Mr Bathily brings to this position over 40 years of experience with his national Government, academic institutions, regional organizations and the United Nations system.

In his most recent assignment with the United Nations, he served, in 2021, as the Independent Expert for the strategic review of UNSMIL.