Saudi Arabia Pledges Continued Support For Ghana’s Development

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The Saudi Arabia Ambassador to Ghana, Meshal Handam Al-Rogi has stated the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will continue to deepen its relations with Ghana and support the nation’s development in many spheres.

He said that the two countries have sustained bolstering relations for a very long time which had mutually benefited both countries.

Al-Rogi made this pledge during an educational and scholarship opportunities presentation of the Royal Kingdom in Ghana, and also donate gifts to some selected institutions in the region.

“The enviable position of Saudi Arabia as the powerhouse of the Middle East would continue to show the way forward towards supporting the development of its key partners, especially in the areas of education and infrastructure development,” he said.

He, therefore, encouraged interested Ghanaian young persons to visit to take advantage of the scholarship opportunities the Royal Kingdom is providing to Ghanaian students.

He underscored the importance of knowledge in contemporary development and appealed to the Ghanaian youth to make the pursuit of knowledge an important objective in their lives.

The Ambassador also visited prominent leaders in the region including the leader of the Anbariyya Islamic Institute, Sheikh Saeed Abubakar Zakaria, the Northern Regional Chief Imam Alhaji Abdul-Salam Ahmed, Leader of Nuriya Islamic Institute Sheikh Ibrahim Basha and the Leader of Nadha Islamic School, Dr Abdurrab Nabi Umar.

The Islamic leaders thanked the ambassador for his extraordinary gesture and strive in deepening Saudi-Ghana relations. They also prayed for Allah’s continued blessings for both countries and their leaders.

He presented messages of goodwill to the leaders and praised their efforts in supporting the human development of the north by training thousands of students and also producing many scholars who are contributing in diverse ways to the development of Ghana.