SA Ready to Deploy Troops Wherever Needed In Africa- Zuma

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As part of efforts to contribute to peace and stability on the African continent, President Jacob Zuma has recently said South Africa stands ready to deploy the South African National Defence Force wherever they are needed.
Speaking at the 2nd Annual Ubuntu Awards ceremony in Cape Town on Saturday night‚ he said South Africa wished to see peace‚ stability and prosperity flourishing in every corner of the continent.
“We stand ready to deploy the South African National Defence Force wherever they are needed‚ in order to contribute to peace and stability in the continent‚” he said.
“We want to see an end to wars and conflicts in our continent. We want to see an end to the flight of many Africans from their countries to become refugees because of the conflict,” president Zuma added. “We want to see an end to the suffering of women and children in Africa because of wars and pockets of conflict”.
It was for this reason that the country was participating in the work of the African Union Peace and Security Council designed to ensure that guns were silenced on the continent by the year 2020.
Zuma said South Africa also wanted to see economic development on the continent.
“In this regard‚ we encourage our business community to invest in the African continent to assist in creating jobs and improving the standard of living.
“We participate in all activities aimed at making Africa trade with itself more. The regional integration efforts and the creation of continental free trade area is a step in the right direction. It will contribute immensely to Africa’s development.
“Indeed‚ we want an Africa that is peaceful‚ prosperous and stable for future generations‚” Zuma stated.

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