S. Sudan, Ethiopia Collaborate to Get Abducted Children Released

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Ethiopian soldiersuyyf

South Sudan will collaborate with Ethiopia in taking measures against the perpetrators of the killings and abductions carried out by forces that attacked civilians in the regional state of Gambella, the country’s ambassador to Ethiopia said.

Armed members of the Murle tribe from South Sudan had attacked 13 kebeles in Anuak and Nuer Zones of the states killing 208 Ethiopians and kidnapping over100 women and children last Friday.

South Sudan’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Akuei Bona, told ENA that South Sudan condemns the act as it is “totally unacceptable and inhuman”.

The ambassador said his country supports the effort of Ethiopia to get the abducted children released.

According to the ambassador, these forces have been perpetrating similar killings on other tribes in South Sudan and looting of properties.

Ambassador Bona has expressed his condolences to the victims of the attack and all Ethiopians on behalf of his country.

The two countries should collaborate closely and exchange information to fight gunmen to stop similar barbaric attacks, he added.

He further pointed out that the two countries are working jointly to ensure the release of the children and this will continue until the end.

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