Rwanda: Rwamagana Varsity Students Venture into Societal Impact

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The Nursing Students of Rwandan University have used their students’ week to conduct a campaign to promote a healthy community in the district. The community outreach was organized by Forum of Higher Learning Institutions in Rwamagana led by University of Rwanda – School of Nursing, Eastern Province and Rwamagana District.

During the one week exercise, the students focused on non-communicable diseases screening, HIV checks-up, education on hygiene, sanitation, and family planning, as well as providing hygiene materials.

University of Rwanda’s Rwamagana Campus Manager and coordinator of the forum, Epiphanie Mukabaranga, stated that the idea came from Nursing Students Association, aimed at raising awareness in recognition of nurses’ role in the society and their contribution to the protection and preservation of citizens’ health.

“This is what universities and higher learning institutions are supposed to do; not only to teach and research, but also to be involved in activities like these that reach to our communities by identifying what is needed and making our contribution.”

Jeanne Umutoni, the Vice Mayor in charge of social affairs of Rwamagana, said the program made an impact in the district especially in terms of family planning and prevention of diseases.

One of the students, Denis Niyonsenga, said that community campaign was necessary. “It is actually our aim to get closer to residents, care for them, and help them prevent diseases before they come to us sick.”

He added that the exercise builds their capacity, giving them more skills and a good opportunity to put into practice what they learn in class.