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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has recently launched a Rwf17.2 billion initiative to help train 40,000 youths aged 16 to 30 with nine years of basic education in workforce readiness skills by 2021.

Mrs. Erica Barks-Ruggles, the US Ambassador to Rwanda, at the course of the event, spoke concerning the priority which the United States government places on its partnership with Rwanda to train its youth with skills needed to drive economic development and build their future.

“We are here today to embark on this partnership because we recognize the importance of the youth in the future of Rwanda’s continued prosperity,”

“Together we can achieve our ambitious targets and reach our goal of a strong, vibrant and flourishing Rwanda for many years to come,” she said.

The program, which has been scheduled for five years, was handed to the Education Development Center (EDC) for implementation.

The training includes work-based learning and internship opportunities, links to jobs and self-employment, entrepreneurship training and coaching, and access to financing, family planning, and reproductive health services.

The youth expressed their joy and gratitude with expectation to the reality of the programme from Huguka Dukore.