Qualities of Good Leadership – Engage, Empower and Encourage

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Good Leadership means working with people to engage, empower and encourage them to do new things in the face of difficulty or any complex situation. Certain job tasks, responsibilities or situations are becoming increasingly complex and evolving rapidly, as it involves dealing with people with different characteristics and personality attributes. Organizations need people who are flexible to deal with complex and difficult situations. For this purpose, leaders can engage, empower and encourage people through their charismatic skills, expertise and leadership style. Successful and sustainable organizations are made up of such leaders and individuals. Leadership does not necessarily concern authority. It’s about mobilization of people to solve the toughest problems and use the best of their capabilities. All that is possible when the true leadership qualities are exhibited by people by engaging, empowering and encourage people in different situations and phases.

Leadership is anchored in us all, but the key is to open their personal passion that will gives courage to the people to do the things that appear difficult, uncertain or even unpopular. Such situations often seem impossible at first but are easily overcome and resolve through motivation in the form of engagement, empowerment and encouragement. According to John Crowley, here are simple ways to motivate your staff. It is also necessary to check what you can do and how you are doing it. It helps you to become an enlightened guide for people as a leader. Hopefully this takes a little practice to get used to it, with a few minutes each day to spare to read about it and then reflect it upon people or your staff as an aspect of leadership. Spend time to determine who you are and what you are doing for the people. It allows you to improve yourself as a leader. By exhibiting the true qualities of good leadership such as engagement, empowering and encourages; you can then see the difference that you can make.

Engaging People:

Engaging people as a leader means that you first inspire them and tell them who you are and how you reconcile with what you do. It also means that your actions live by your words; when you say that something is important, it is reflected in the way you spend your time with them and how you engage them to do something important. Engaging people through different positive and inspirational tactics can sometimes do the trick as it is mostly practiced by authentic leaders. These leaders are congruent – people who are coherent in their beliefs and behaviors to demonstrate them in action by engaging people. For example; if you say that people are important, then you spend enough time with them and really listening to them. These authentic leaders have a reputation to keep their promises, as they are 100% reliable, because of their engagement practices with people and their motivate people through their values. They also help them see their vision and set their priority to help each other. They also help people to transformation their journey and help them see the bigger picture.

Empowering People:

Empowering people is often the mark of a charismatic leader. They define the limitations of empowering people define what responsibilities. They also allow freedom for the people to let them decide what they want to do and then empower them positively. They also help and guide them about the things that they would like to do and do not want to do. Many organizations decide to “upgrade” people, but then they are obliged to follow rules and procedures. Limits exist in job titles, resource allocation, work practices, communication methods and hierarchical lines. Direction is given by the leader as he or she pushes the boundaries and limitations to empower people to do the impossible. They also take up the initiative to make changes for new things to happen. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. Organizations need structures that create freedom. As for leaders, they describe what you are not doing rather than defining what people will do. They concentrate on what needs to be achieved by the people and how it can be achieved by them through empowerment. They also disable the procedures or protocols that may appear as barriers or obstacles to the people.

Encouraging People:

Empowering people is all about executing good leadership qualities at all levels of an organization. It means returning the work to people instead of trying to be the boss who knows everything and to solve all problems. Authentic leaders use their skills and energy around people so that they can learn from him and her and when the time is right, they encourage people to do the same task or responsibilities by delegating authority. They also guide and advise how improvements are possible. They encourage people to take responsibility. When leaders develop people, they delegate important aspects of the job to them. The delegation does not concern the unloading activities that they do not want to do it. It’s about delegating responsibility, but the responsibility is to achieve the desired results. It’s about creating capacity and encouraging people to be more accountable, creative and become the future leaders.

About the Author: 
A curious soul who is on the quest of finding what I love the most; Coffee, Cats, Sherlock or Books? Digital Marketing is my forte and writing is my healing power. I have recognized myself in the industry as a key player inbound strategist in crafting companies digital and PR strategies and adding OMG elements in their brand’s voice with my words. Passionate round-the-clock to learn and adopt new trends of the digital industry.

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