Promoting Development In Africa Through Technology

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As humans, technology is an integral part of our existence. For many decades technology has become the pillar of human civilization because of its significant contributions to improving the living standard.

The world has become a global village and technology has contributed to this incredible journey. The effect of technology on man is evident in how man’s activities have become simpler, easier and more comfortable over the years.

All over the globe, the ongoing digital revolution is transforming economies and driving innovation across all economical sectors and technology is contributing immensely towards this development. Therefore, Africa’s advantage over technology in all walks of life would promote its development. On the other hand, Africa’s technological gap could be the source of its increasing economic deterioration because other developing regions are constantly upgrading their own technological capabilities, and the global marketplace has become increasingly liberalized and competitive.

Africa’s development through technology will take a giant leap if the government and all stakeholders become more committed towards this task. From education, healthcare, agriculture, and telecommunication to any economic field, Africa needs access to digital tools and technologies; hence, Africa’s ability to create, acquire and adapt new technologies is a critical requirement for competing successfully in the global marketplace. However, in Africa, significant challenges remain with the use of technology, be it training and funding, policy and regulation.

To this effect, on the 1st of March 2022, during a Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Forum Forum, a collaborative multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kigali, Rwanda, Vera Songwe, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), suggested an African Technology Development and Transfer Network must be established to spur innovation and accelerate development which could diffuse technologies to the continent’s Small Medium- size Enterprise through “identifying emerging technologies, anticipating needs and encouraging the sharing of knowledge” across the continent.


In Africa, there are various examples of entrepreneurs promoting technology through innovations. These are transforming lives, especially among the growing young as they quickly adopt and adapt to technology to suit their own needs and that of their nations. For example, Rachel Sibande, a Malawian computer scientist, is promoting technology innovation among the youth to aid them to find problems affecting development.

Her dream for mHub is for it to become the leading ICT think tank in Malawi and the region, and she has achieved a lot in this area. Seven years after the launch of mHub in 2014, Malawi’s first technology hub and incubator for rising innovators and entrepreneurs.

MHub has benefited over 40,000 people in business and technology skills. It has facilitated over 1 million USD in financing to emerging entrepreneurs creating more than 950 jobs and impacting over 5,000 people in diverse value chains. There is a section that deals with youth and women receiving training on digital skills and software development. The centre also has a coding and robotics club for children and develops technology solutions for clients.


Some African countries such as Rwanda, Nigeria, Liberia and many others have taken a bold step towards technology, and this is worth emulating by others. For example, Rwanda can transport essential supplies because it has established the world’s first drone port for people in remote places. In Nigeria, e-vouchers are provided to farmers via mobile phones to buy fertilizer and high-quality seeds to improve their yields.

Other ways Africa can promote development through technology is to invest more in research and development, adopt digital economic innovations, partner with individuals, businesses, and nations who are willing to invest in a digital society, as well as support and invest in technological ideas and innovation of its citizen. Some African governments are already promoting technology by investing in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in various primary, tertiary and vocational schools because of the benefits developed countries gain from technological innovation.

Technology is driving development in today’s world. Although Africa is doing its best to close the gap, it still has a long way to go concerning technology. Its steps to become more technologically advanced is, however, worth noting. All across the continent, technology is helping to solve key development challenges in Africa as scientists, entrepreneurs, businessmen and many from various fields are using their understanding of their community’s needs to innovate to solve problems and drive sustainable growth.

However, for Africa to make its dream a reality, every field of business needs to be empowered with digital competencies.