Presidents Kenyatta, Obama Discuss Refugees, Security, Climate Change

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President Uhuru Kenyatta and U.S. President Barack Obama today, by telephone, discussed the global refugee and migrant crisis, regional security, climate change and Kenya’s improving business environment.

President Obama called President Kenyatta in the context of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) currently underway in New York. President Kenyatta reiterated his commitment to improving the plight of refugees to the U.S. leader who will host a President’s Summit on refugees later this week.

President Kenyatta assured President Obama that Kenya continues to work towards the safe and dignified repatriation of refugees from the Dadaab camp in northern Kenya to Somalia, in accordance with the norms of the international community.

President Kenyatta urged the U.S. President to support ongoing efforts to secure Somalia and create a politically stable environment to which refugees would feel safe to return.

President Obama praised Kenya for strides it has taken towards improving the business environment, noting a jump of 28 places in the ease of doing business report by the World Bank.

The improved business environment in Kenya is a matter that will be discussed at the Africa-U.S. Business summit also due to be held on the margins of the UNGA this week.

President Obama further noted Kenya’s pivotal role in securing peace and stability in the region, and encouraged President Kenyatta to maintain that leadership role.

The two leaders also discussed climate change and, especially, Kenya’s leadership in the run-up to the Climate Change conference in Paris (COP 21) last year and the implementation of that agreement, which is one of the key issues under discussion at the UNGA.

President Obama and President Kenyatta also discussed Kenya’s 2017 elections, and President Kenyatta made clear that he was keen to see a peaceful, open and fair process leading to a credible election.

President Obama wished Kenyans well as they grow their country and look to the future with confidence.