Polaris Bank Named 2021 African Digital Bank of the Year

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Polaris Bank has been honoured for its trailblazing delivery of digital banking in Africa as millions of employees and customers around the world had to make a dramatic shift during the rapid restructuring of everyday life occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic.

With leaders from different spheres of life, including business, politics, economics, media, all gathered at the Dorchester London for the African Persons of the Year Awards presentation ceremony hosted by the African Leadership Magazine on February 26, 2022, Polaris Bank emerged as the African Digital Bank of the Year.

Polaris Bank, over the years, has leveraged technology including advanced analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics process automation to reform business operations and drive performance.

Through its strategic partnerships, Polaris Bank has invested heavily in leading technological evolution in the African banking sector. The Bank has also employed technology to help achieve its sustainability targets.

In May 2021, Polaris Bank launched VULTe at a grand ceremony in Lagos, where it predicted that the Digital Bank would redefine Nigeria’s Digital banking landscape. In just a few months, VULTe performance and quantum of Customer uptake within and outside Nigeria confound Analysts as it crossed the one millionth customer uptake marking a significant milestone.

VULTe is a digital bank that provides customers with convenient solutions beyond their basic banking needs and enables end-to-end account opening, ensuring that customers can open and transact their accounts without entering any physical bank. They can also make QR code payments, make debit card requests, issuance, and activation.

The African Leadership Magazine Persons of the Year Awards celebrates the outstanding achievements and contributions of African individuals who have represented the continent in a positive light and made tremendous achievements in the year under review.

Winners emerged from other categories, including President Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi as African of the Year; President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya as the African Political Leader of the Year 2021; President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana as the African Peace & Security Leader of the Year 2021; Abdulmajid Nsekela CEO/MD CRDB Bank as African Banking Personality of the Year 2021; Egyptian Football Star, Mo Salah, as ALM Young person of the Year 2021, among other.